Sunday, April 15, 2012

Game Design Log - Entry #5

I've been doing some more looking into what I can get to with C#. The display's DPI doesn't seem to be one of them, so I can't set my scale that way. If I can't do it that way, that leaves me two options that I can think of.

The first option is to set a static scale. For example, 1 pixel equaling 1 meter. This makes sprites rather difficult, though. The Apollo's lander module was 5.5 meters tall. That'd put a similar sprite at 5.5 pixels tall. 1 pixel = 0.5 meter would get me an even 11 pixels, but that's still a tiny sprite. The next "easy" step is 1 pixel = 0.1 meter... 55 pixels tall. 7% of the height of my screen(1366x768). Acceptable, I think.

Assuming a 1024x768 screen, this gives us 102.4m(252 feet) vertically and 76.8m(336 feet) horizontally to work with. More than enough, I think.

I need to actually start implementing this, now, I think. I've got enough that I can start laying out my functions, even if I can't completely fill them in yet.

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