Monday, April 9, 2012

Game Design Log - Entry #2

Over the weekend, I've mostly been reading through some of the example C# code, familiarizing myself with the language.

The Lunar Lander/Solar Jetman game is still the "major" idea in my head. Depending on how difficult it ends up being to have my player-controlled sprite collide with a dynamically generated line, I think I've mostly got randomly generated levels figured out... I'll have to do some math/experimenting and figure out ranges for everything, but I think it's doable.

As for everything else in the game...

Graphics shouldn't be too hard. Since I'm wanting to do randomly generated levels, I'm probably going to go with a wireframe look for most of it. That'll make drawing the ground easy.

Music... I'll need to play around with it, see if I can come up with something fitting. Chiptunes, if I can manage it. Thinking along the lines of VVVVVV for music.

There'll only be a few sound effects, that I can think of. Your engine firing, your ship exploding, opening/closing the airlock, and an "item get" sound...

Gravity's going to be fun. If I'm doing randomly generated levels, I might be able to have the gravity randomly generated, too. I'd need a HUD to display the amount of gravity, so that it didn't seem "odd" that the controls were different every time you loaded it up... I'll need it for fuel anyways, though. Maybe score, too.

I'm not sure what to do in the way of disk access. A high-score leaderboard is all I can really think of, if I can figure out a way to score it...

Mostly thinking out loud again, but I think I'm getting closer to nailing it down.

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